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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 8. April 18 1977

Assessment Forum

Assessment Forum

I feel it is necessary to te[unclear: m]per the generally critical (and rightfully so) opinions on assessment with the feelings of the few students who already have fairly assessed courses and are happy with them.

Although there is much pressure in the assessment forum for double-chance assessment, some people do not realise that it has in fact been operating successfully in a first year QA maths course for several years.

The system includes (a) a weighted average of a terms test mark (30%) and the final exam mark (70%) or (b) the final exam mark, whichever is the higher. In borderline cases tutorial work and assignments are taken into account if they are to the students advantage. The only condition (apparently a Registry regulation) is that the exam mark must be 40% or above.

An explanation of the course's assessment was given out in writing and the lecturer took some time to explain it and made sure everyone understood it.

The course is run by a fairly small department. We realise that large departments face greater difficulties but we are sure that with some effort they would be able to adapt the principles of this method of assessment to the particular needs of this subject.

We hope other departments will be encouraged to follow suit.

— Anne Scrivener.

Drawing of VUW as a maze

Next week: Robert More-Jone's enthralling epic on assessment (Part 2).