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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University of Wellington Students' Association. Vol 40. No. 7. April 13 1977

Salient — Arts Council — Second Time Round

page 4


Arts Council — Second Time Round

The New Zealand Students Arts Council has had a turbulent history which has not got any the less turbulent over recent months.

The present proposal is to form a separately Incorporated Arts Council which is another way of saying that instead of SAC being a standing committee of NZUSA, it can now operate on its own and even write out its own cheques.

Earlier this year, everyone seemed keen on this new way of operating. Culture Vultures around NZ Tertiary Institutions were sold on the idea of having their own body free from NZUSA. NZUSA were not sad to lose the burden of Arts Council either. The most important reason, however, was that NZSAC served not only University campuses but Polytechs, Teachers Colleges, and Theological Colleges as well. At the same time it was virtually a subcommittee of a body which represented only Universities.

Unfortunately for the new Arts Council, some campuses seem to be suspicious of the new body as under the reconstituted structure there is no watchdog on a body which deals in a risky line of business. Certainly on past performance they have some small cause for worry. Large sums of money have been lost, which members are still footing the bill for today. The hierarchy has not always instilled confidence in its integrity. Last year when Arts Council could not tour Split Enz, Bruce Kirkland took it over and toured it privately with the help of Arts Council facilities and contacts. This year the same thing is happening with the Buffy Sainte Marie tour.

Steve Underwood thinks Victoria should not join the Incorporated Arts Council at all. What he does not make clear is that if Vic does not join, then it is probable that the incorporated structure will not be continued with, and that we will be lumbered with the old outfit. I think that he has over-reacted to the fact that we have not been getting our money's worth. However, if we are to join, it is absolutely essential that we keep tabs on what is happening in Arts Council and for this to happen it is important that a revamped, more democratic structure is evolved, and that the hierarchy makes a concerted effort to let students know what is going on and operate in a completely above-board manner.

With the huge Arts Festival which is to be held here in August, these things will have to be done in a hurry. If it is to be a success, which we all fervently hope it will be with so much student money and the new Arts Council itself at stake, then it may be the spark that is needed for the lack-lustre art scene which presently prevails over New Zealand campuses.

It is important that the new body sees its role as providing more campus oriented activities instead of concentrating on the big tours. This way more students will be involved on their own campuses and it will also mean that Arts Council will remain more solvent than it has in the past.