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Salient. Victoria University students' Newspaper. Volume Number 39, Issue 7. April 12 [1976]

China Delegation Selection

China Delegation Selection

guide itself through without John Blincoe having to establish any dictatorial principles.

The selection committee for the 1976 China Delegation was elected, the members being George Goddard, Clare Donovan, and former NZUSA president Jim Crichton. Unfortunately no chairman could be appointed for the NZUSA Women's Rights Committee because no-one had applied.

The major issue, having already been commented on by the constituencies was the bursaries issue. It came up again in the National Office report when John Blincoe suggested he and Mike Shassky (Education Vice-president) should make another tour of campuses around the first payout time to ensure people are aware of what is going on in terms of bursary review.

NZUSA Research Officer Peter Franks thought it was very important to establish cost-of-living increases on student bursaries. But if the Federation of Labour and the combined State Services Organisation couldn't get the full cost-of-living increase, then what chance did students have?