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Salient. Victoria University Students Newspaper. Vol. 38, No 3. March 21, 1975

Surfriders Club

Surfriders Club

There is a surf riders club on campus, of a low membership though it may be 1974 was an inactive year. However, it was an active club in years gone by and promises to be even more active this year. We have two 8′ × 6′ × 5′ nylon trampers′ tents for weekend trips, which on long weekends might stretch as far as New Plymouth and Gisborne. On a less grand scale we usually have day trips (Sundays seems to be traditionally suitable-give or take the Saturday night head) which straddle the countryside to Castlepoint, Palliser, Lake Ferry, Titahi Bay, Lyall, Houghton, etc. etc.

Basically, if you can get yourself (plus board, although you might be able to borrow someone's) to the Cenotaph by Parliament Buildings at 8.00 am on the Sundays selected, well (those with cars) endeavour to find a pub.

We've got $24 social funds so membership is minima) (50 cents)—helps petrol subsidies.

Easter tournament is coming fast and it would be good to send a team. This would make it into more of a competition sport.

Contact Derek McCorkindale 331-232 (home) 46-040 ext. 915 (business)

Grant Dyson