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Salient. Victoria University Students Newspaper. Vol. 38, No 3. March 21, 1975

Weight Lifting at Vic

Weight Lifting at Vic

In the already overcrowded weight lifting room in the gym, new things are happening. The weight mechanics are grabbing hold of this Olympic lifting thing like if, gone out of fashion. 'What's Olympic lifting?' you say. You know, all that snatch and clean and jerk thing, that you saw the Russions, Rigert and Alexeev doing at the last New Zealand Games. In case you are thinking (careful now) that it's all grunt and groan, the letters will tell you different. Quite apart from the already enthusiastic mob of weight trainers, the lifting boys are finding out all sorts of weird and wonderful things about 'mechanics' 'angular momentum' and application of force, along a straight line'.

Of course it's rather a crowded sort of room down there and there', a few nongs, down there who keep the place an an acute state of chaos. So the enthusiasts have encouraged these characters, to keep the place tidy, by gently wrapping six feet or fractionally less than two meters of quality New Zealand iron round their heads.

If you have read this far in the article, either you are an avid reader of rubbish or maybe you are interested in the weightlifting scene. If you are (it doesn't matter which) jog along to the old gym, tie up your sandshoes and mosy down the old weight room or enquire of the physical welfare officers a, to just what this old weight lifting is all about.