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Salient. Victoria University of Wellington Students' Newspaper. Volume 31, Number 11 June 5, 1968

Cultural clubs' grant system under review

Cultural clubs' grant system under review

No grants have been made to cultural clubs this year.

To alleviate this position, it is proposed that Executive-deal directly with grants to cultural clubs, said the President of the Students' Association, Doug White, and the Cultural Affairs officer, Pip Davys in a statement to Salient.


It is also proposed that clubs, applying for grants under $100.00, submit only a record of expenditure in the previous year and statements of money required for the current year and cash on hand.

Cultural clubs applying for grants above this amount should submit properly audited accounts.

Clubs will not need accounts for re-affiliation.


Most cultural clubs seem unable to find a competent treasurer to keep financial records of the club and present accounts to the Cultural Affairs Committee when applying for a grant.

Pip and Doug say that they believe it is the Association's responsibility to provide cultural clubs with financial support.


But, the association must ensure that clubs spend this money responsibly.

The proposed temporary measures are hoped to speed the flow of grants to cultural clubs.