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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 30, No. 13. 1967.

Hockey, Men's

Hockey, Men's

Victoria came second-equal in tournament hockey with Auckland. They finished behind Canterbury and ahead of the host side. Otago. Robin Kendrick played for NZU and Chris Kirkham and Thur Borren were selected as emergencies.

The greatest upset for Victoria was their defeat by Auckland. Not regarded as a strong side, this defeat came as a surprise to players in both teams. The score of 4-0 left Victoria dispirited and bewildered.

Best hockey played by the team was against Otago in the third game. The final score was 2-0 and from the team's fine performance, Grant, Nimmo, Meads and Dick deserve special mention.

Massey was the first match for Victoria. Vic won 4-1. This was an uninspiring game and both teams took a time to settle down.

It was a lethargic team that was beaten by Canterbury in the fourth match. Canterbury kept control of the game throughout and deserved their 4-0 win.

Victoria's last match produced the highest score of Tournament. Against Lincoln, the only interesting feature was the score of 10-0 to Victoria.