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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 30, No. 13. 1967.

Indoor Basketball, Men's

Indoor Basketball, Men's

With a core of only three regular "A" team members, Victoria was far from confident of any major successes. The results support this pre-Tournament lack of confidence.

v. Canterbury:

Victoria's zone defence held the much more experienced Canterbury side until just before half-time when their superior overall skills and height advantage allowed them to dictate the game. In the second half they exploited the fast-break to maximum advantage to run out the winners by 76-37. Scorers: W. Mullins (9), K. Elliot (8).

v. Lincoln:

A sluggish Victoria very nearly threw away this game against a very inexperienced Lincoln team. However, a concerted effort in the dying stages of the second half enabled Victoria to get ahead and win by 67-58. Scorers: K. Elliot (l3), W. Mullins (15), Khoo (20), M. O'Connell (10).

v. Otago:

Once again Victoria was humbled by a team of superior ability. Scoring freely with fast-breaking tactics, Otago ran away to an 83-35 victory. Scorers: B. Ramsay (12), Khoo (9).

v. Massey:

A lethargic performance allowed Massey, a team of similar calibre, to take the advantage in a very scrappy and loose game. Massey won 62-47, Scorers; W. Mullins (17), B. Ramsay (11), K. Elliot (13).

v. Auckland:

In a much improved game against a tired Auckland team, Victoria moved into a handy 9-point lead at half-time. The second spell saw three players fouled off in quick succession, leaving the remaining three to try and stop Auckland from scoring. Final score 44-59 to Auckland. Scorers: B. Ramsay (10), W. Mullins (11).

W. Mullins was selected for NZU "B" team and K. Elliot reconfirmed his 1966 NZU "A" selection.