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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 29, No. 1. 1966.

New officer

New officer

The University has a new Physical Welfare Officer— a bright and bouncy blonde name of Jackie Riddell, who replaces Mrs. Berry Clark.

Miss Riddell gained her Diploma of Physical Education at Otago University and has had a year teaching PhysEd at Wellington Girls' College. Her main interest is gymnastics; she also plays tennis and hockey, and is a sideline waitress at Downstage.

As yet the position of Physical Welfare Officer remains unfilled, although it is believed that an appointment will be made soon.

Despite the complete change of staff from last year, courses at the gym are as full as ever. Full of what, did we hear you cry? Well, for the participants, benefits both physical and mental. Is that the answer you wanted?

Courses available at the gym this year are:

• Gymnastics—both remedial and Olympic:

• Modern dance:

• Trampolining—or "How To Break Your Neck in one easy lesson:

• Social dance:

• Corrective training: and general advice on fitness.

In addition, there are excellent facilities for weightlifting and badminton, table tennis, and volley ball, equipment is readily available.

So—the facilities are there, a complete staff soon will be. It's over to you.

Congress speaker Frank Tay in informal pose.—Jo Evans photo.

Congress speaker Frank Tay in informal pose.—Jo Evans photo.