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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 29, No. 1. 1966.


Victoria University is currently facing a severe staff shortage. The deputy vice-chancellor, Professor I. D. Campbell, recently revealed that the University was "short of more than 60 teaching staff," and that there is "no hope of filling all the vacancies before the start of the teaching year."

Vacancies at that time included eight chairs, two in psychology, two in law, and one each in physical chemistry, geophysics, education and sociology.

In addition there were about 16 senior lectureships, 19 lectureships, about 20 junior lectureships and a librarian's position vacant.

Inquiries made by Salient to the administration failed to justify any reduction in these figures.

Professor Campbell says that few applications have been received and that part-time staff will have to be used.

This will mean that classes will be larger and present staff will have to bear a heavier burden.

In some cases, particularly where faculties lack professors, administration problems wili spiral.

Professor Campbell believes that the staff position has worsened since last year.

This has arisen despite better study facilities for staff in Rankine Brown building and the salary rises of 1963.