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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 28, No. 11. 1965.

Plane Stolen

Plane Stolen

Thirty students of the University of New South Wales recently commandeered two motorised stairways at Mascot Airport and drove them out to a Boeing 707 that was standing on the tarmac. Eventually, the casually-dressed students were ejected by a stewardess—all, that is, except for one suited scholar who chose to remain silent until the plane was half-way to Fiji. His hostel mates paid the cost of his flight to Fiji and also 'perhaps more interestingly) the cost of his flight back The student was charged with stowing away, but the magistrate dismissed the charge when he found out that the fare had been paid.

The ride was not all joy for the student. Apparently, as soon as the plane landed in Fiji, the medical authorities pumped him full of every inoculation they could lay their hands on.