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Salient. The Newspaper of Victoria University College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 19, No. 3. March 24, 1955

Daze Bay

Daze Bay

The cold front, specifically intended for the MCC was delayed but arrived in time for the Weir Picnic. Punctually at 9.30, Housemen appeared some with cases and consorts, some from couches or cubicles, and flung the cases and a little incidental baggage into three converted horse-floats.

Deprived of their usual topic by its presence, the males were pretty subdued to begin with. The aimless mob was disgorged into a damp compound with one dry corner which your correspondents occupied. In the hour or so before lunch, we volleyed, putted and gazed at grey sky and sombre sea. Lunch was consumed in various paleolithic postures, but the weather was clearing and vinegar was consumed in immense quantities.

The House tennis final was played between Barry Boon and Chas. Chamberlain. Barry, though he double-faulted frequently, clicked with rather more smashes and passing shots than Chas. We think the interest of players and spectators flagged near the end. Barry won 7-5. 6-3. It must have been the vinegar.

About the time of departure from Day's Bay, the sky assumed a shade of blue no doubt imparted by some of the more thoughtful picknickers. An informal dance and sing-song at the House after tea was certainly the most enjoyable feature of the" day.

J. O. Gamby

J. D. Dawick.