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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 18, No. 1. March 3, 1954

Future Plans

Future Plans

What then of the future? A brief reflection reveals that your Executive has a very full programme to many out during the remainder of its term in office. In the first place, it must organise all the activities in connection with the "Freshers' Week," including the Freshers' Welcome, the Freshers' Ball, together with the administration of the Stationery and Text Book Scheme. This year an extension will be made by promoting Faculty Evenings, the main purpose of which is to allow new students to meet their lecturers in a social atmosphere.

This programme is a heavy one, demanding a great deal of work by all members of the Executive. If the Executive is to be able to carry them through to a successful conclusion it must rely heavily upon the willing and active support of a large body of students. May I therefore conclude by making an appeal to all students, whether you be full time or part time, to enter freely into the student activities whicn will be organised for your benefit. If you are asked to fill an administrative post, accept willingly if you possibly can. When volunteers for such activities as Extravaganza and Procession are called for, make it your business to be among those who step forward. If you co-operate in this manner, the work of the Executive will be far less burdensome and much more successful, you yourself will enjoy the pleasure of meeting your fellow students, while you will contribute in no small way towards making Victoria College an even better University than it is to-day.

May I wish you all a happy and successful year.

D. M. McCaw,
