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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 14, No. 8. July 12, 1951

Bad Taste or Good Satire?

Bad Taste or Good Satire?


D. E. H.'s criticism of "Siderella" as published in Salient, June 7 was interesting in that it showed the true colours of his party. I, myself, am not a member of what he terms "The Party." I am, moreover, a Christian (if D.E.H. would include Anglicans in that class) and although agreeing with several of his remarks, I thought his criticism of the Archbishop was pitiful. Is religion so far removed from everyday affairs that its leaders cannot be impersonated like other public figures? Religion is as much a part of life as politics, without its divided parties. Perhaps D.E.H. would have appreciated more a caricature of the "Red Dean"!!

With due reverence to all parties concerned, I feel that the Archbishop was fairly represented and no bad taste was shown.

J. G. Hutchison.

(Correspondents are not entitled to go behind pseudonyms.
