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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 14, No. 8. July 12, 1951

Glow Worms

Glow Worms


In your election issue I was interested to find Mr. Yaldwyn claiming credit for the improved lighting of the gymnasium. I should particularly like to compliment Mr. Yaldwyn on the lighting of the lower gymnasium, where I find there is at present one light globe. As this is said to be "an improvement" I can only assume that the place was formerly in a state of total darkness. I am informed, on good authority (although I have not personally verified this fact) that another room on the lower floor is completely unlighted. (This does not refer to the Exec. Room). This state of affairs is causing considerable inconvenience to the female members of the student body. I trust that the incoming executive will implement Mr. Yaldwyn'g scheme of installing two glow-worms.

Yours truly.
