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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 11., No. 9. 28th July 1948

Harriers — Shaw Baton Relay


Shaw Baton Relay

We regret to have to report that the club unsuccessfully defended its hard-won title to the Shaw Baton, which was won this year by the Hutt Valley Harrier Club. However, Varsity fought every lap, indeed the first prospects seemed very bright and it was not until Noel Taylor of Hutt appeared over the hill at the end of the last lap that all hope was given up.

Things looked promising when Peter Whittle, who recorded seventh fastest time, ran an excellent lap to put us in third place. Noel Currle, an ex-Poverty Bay rep., and still a junior, took over, moved up into first place and handed over to Max Clift. Max hung on to the lead and handed over to John Mawson who retained the lead until the last 300 yards. Here the Hutt man, judging his time nicely, moved up and Varsity was in second place when John Holden started on the second to last lap. He recorded the tenth fastest time for the race, but was unable to catch his seasoned opponent; in spite of his meteoric descent of the last slope, the gap bad been increased sufficiently to give a good start to Taylor. It was just enough to allow him to scrape home ahead of the club champion Clem Hawke, who clocked the amazing time of 5min. 52sec, for the distance of just over a mile. Had Hawke been slightly closer to Taylor at the beginning of his lap the issue would never have been in doubt.

But as a whole the team ran well, completing the course in 37min. 16 sees, as against 35 min. 53sec. last year. The fastest time was turned in by Hawke and while thhe average time was 6min. 29sec, the average of the Varsity "A" team was 6min. 11 sec.

A "B" team was also entered. Latham, Shaw, Matheson, Handcock, Keesing and Gully running for the College. Starting off in 14th place. Matheson moved up to tenth, and Handcock to ninth, and the remaining two runners held on to this position until the end of the race. The team completed the course in 41min. 8sec., the best time being Paul Keesing's 6min. 45sec.

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