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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 11., No. 9. 28th July 1948



With Tournament drawing close everyone appears keen to gain a place in the team to represent Victoria at this annual function. For several years the soccer team has gained valuable points in the tourney and we hope to do it once more, although some of our best players will not be available while some others will be affected by a considerable degree of homesickness thus failing to accompany the team.

Although beaten by Seatoun in the Cup semi-final, the Seniors gave a brilliant display of good clear soccer in spite of several injuries. In this game Bateup and Dick showed greatly improved form especially the latter who was the rock of Gibraltar in the defence. The experience gained in the three Cup games was put to good advantage against Mira-mar Rangers who were beaten 5-0 by the constructive play of the forwards and the sound defence of the backs, not to mention the faultless 'keeping of Meuli.

Our regular custodian Sutton-Smith and Reddy who have been nursing injuries sustained in the game against Seatoun are expected to return to the field this week.

Having been beaten by Cambridge the previous week, the Seconds secured a great win against Air Force with only 10 men, mainly through the efforts of Robinson and Martin, together with the stalwart Bliss, while some effective, though fluky, saves were made by the stranger between the posts. If only there was a full muster each week this team could be developed into a strong side.

The Thirds once again fielded three men short and lost (again) 5-0 to Institute. It was only the splendid goal-keeping of Don Eade that kept the kept within the respectable soccer limits. Some really fine talent is being wasted in this team due to the apathy of certain miserable members who do not show up when expected.