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Official Guide to the Government Court: N.Z. Centennial Exhibition

Commercial Broadcasting Service

Commercial Broadcasting Service

The principal exhibit of the C.B.S. is the Mobile Broadcasting Station 5ZB. Located near the main Tirangi Road entrance, this station is on the air every day and night of the Exhibition. News and views and general information about the Exhibition and its activities, descriptive commentaries, interviews with visitors, and general programmes are broadcast on a wavelength of 1360 kilocycles. The station is available for inspection by visitors, and its gay appearance—cream with a long scarlet "radio flash"—will undoubtedly attract a good deal of attention.

The station, which is built in an ordinary railway carriage, recently completed a thousand miles' tour through the North Island, broadcasting at Masterton, Hastings, New Plymouth, Hamilton, Whangarei, Napier, Wanganui and Hawera on the way. The tour was a remarkable success and interested crowds visited the unit at every town on the route. It is a complete broadcasting station on wheels, consisting of studio, control-room, sleeping quarters, bathroom and kitchen, the last-named for the accommodation of the staff, which lived on the train throughout its tour. According to the staff, there was much pleasure mixed with business as they travelled in such a luxury caravan. Every visitor should make a point of inspecting and every visitor should make a point of hearing 52B—the Exhibition Studio.

In addition to operating the Mobile Station 5ZB, the Commercial Broadcasting Service has. built a lounge at the Exhibition for the comfort and relaxation of visitors—a very welcome idea which is sure to be appreciated. There is much to be seen at the Exhibition, and the ZB's realise that visitors will be glad of a quiet, comfortable corner in which to rest awhile. The lounge is an ultra-modern, streamlined edifice, situated in the New Zealand Manufacturing Industries Section. The decorative motif is symbolic of Radio, with aerials,. radio waves, and a huge microphone. Inside are comfortable armchairs providing a restful atmosphere, which visitors are bound to enjoy after their tours of inspection. All round the walls are posters illustrating features, station programmes, and photographs of all ZB personalities and artists, which will be of interest to those to whom these folk are just "voices." A handsome radio receiver providing restful music completes the picture.