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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 10, Issue 3 (June 1, 1935)

Improved Locomotive Design

Improved Locomotive Design.

Steam locomotive design is making marked progress in Europe. In Britain, the London and North Eastern Railway are leaders in the search for more powerful and more economical steam locomotive units, while across the Channel the railways of France are to the fore in this direction.

On the Paris-Orleans, Nord and Est systems, clever design has resulted in an increase in locomotive power of from thirty to forty per cent. The Nord is at present experimenting with steam engines capable of hauling 700 ton trains at 75 m.p.h. High-powered Diesel-electric locomotives are also being turned out in considerable numbers for service on the French lines. One batch of these consists of experimental engines of 800 h.p., capable of drawing trains of 200 tons at 75 m.p.h. Other experiments aim at turning out light engines capable of handling 150 ton trains at speeds up to 95 m.p.h. A good deal of main-line electrification has been tackled in southern and central France, but these latest experi-
Tourist Pullman Train Crossing Gstaad Viaduct, Montreux-Bernese Oberland Railway, Switzerland.

Tourist Pullman Train Crossing Gstaad Viaduct, Montreux-Bernese Oberland Railway, Switzerland.

page 18

page 19
“Superpacific” Express Passenger Locomotive, Northern Railway of France.

“Superpacific” Express Passenger Locomotive, Northern Railway of France.

ments with self-propelled traction units quite overshadow trunk route electrifications.