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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 6, Issue 3 (August 1, 1931)

Careful Packing and Addressing Essential

Careful Packing and Addressing Essential.

It is perhaps opportune at this stage to offer words of advice to consignors (senders) of parcels.

First and foremost is the question of careful and secure packing. It is not infrequently found that most instances of damage are the outcome of faulty packing. Secondly, a complete and legible address is a very important factor in the prompt despatch and final distribution of all parcels. Haphazard methods of addressing are a serious drawback to efficient despatch and delivery.

To the uninitiated it would seem that the tendering of a consignment note with each package is a mere matter of form. It is not so, however. A properly filled in consignment note, giving, together, the page 41 full address of the consignee and the consignor, with a brief description of the contents of the parcel, supplies a wealth of information to a railwayman. He knows under what heading to classify the charges; those handling the parcels know how and where packages should be loaded; and, finally, should a package be mislaid, those searching for it know exactly what to look for.

Another important stipulation is to rail parcels early in the day. The last moment rush frequently causes confusion and leaves an avenue for error, no matter how efficient the railway staff may be.