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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 6, Issue 3 (August 1, 1931)

“Advertising Lights the Way”

“Advertising Lights the Way”

The importance of efficient publicity in relation to competition and the development of trade, was the theme of the following interesting message from Mr. Lloyd George, read at the Seventh Annual Advertising Convention, held recently at Glasgow:—

“To-day we certainly need all the help which the best brains and the finest energies to be found in business circles can bring to bear on our marketing problems (says Mr. Lloyd George).

“We want the shining lights of the advertising world to throw their most powerful rays on the question of competition and to light the way to more active salesmanship and wider sales development.

“Advertising, like charity should begin at home. New conditions call for most efficient publicity ideas. A prosperous home market greatly influences overseas trade. The manufacturer who develops trade in this country immediately improves our trading opportunities in foreign lands.”

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All A-Board! New Zealand Railways Board of Control. Left to right: D. Reese, Esq.; Sir James Gunson, C.M.G., C.B.E.; Colonel J. J. Esson, C.M.G., Chairman; (above) Mr. H. H. Sterling, LL.B., M.Inst.T. (Chairman designate); E. Newman, Esq., C.M.G.; and G. W. Read, Esq., Dean of the Commerce Faculty, University of Otago.

All A-Board!
New Zealand Railways Board of Control.
Left to right: D. Reese, Esq.; Sir James Gunson, C.M.G., C.B.E.; Colonel J. J. Esson, C.M.G., Chairman; (above) Mr. H. H. Sterling, LL.B., M.Inst.T. (Chairman designate); E. Newman, Esq., C.M.G.; and G. W. Read, Esq., Dean of the Commerce Faculty, University of Otago.