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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Otago & Southland Provincial Districts]

Mr. David Mitchell

Mr. David Mitchell , Inspector of Works under the Public Works Department in connection with the Otago Central Railway extension, was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. He was brought up as a stonemason, but had some experience on the Scottish North-Eastern Railway. In 1873 he came to Port Chalmers by the ship “Jessie Readman,” and had a general colonial experience, besides working at his trade, for a time. He joined the railway construction works as assistant overseer at Hyde in 1893, and was promoted to his present position in January, 1896. When the Deborah Bay tunnel at Port Chalmers was completed Mr. Mitchell was foreman of works for McKenzie. Brothers. He was married in 1872, to a daughter of the late Mr. K. McKenzie, formerly of Ross-shire, and latterly of Morayshire, Scotland, and has one son and one daughter.