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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: a catalogue with indexes

Volume 33

Volume 33


MacGahan, Januarius Alosyius, 1844-1878.

The Turkish atrocities in Bulgaria: letters of the special commissioner of the 'Daily News', J.A. MacGahan, with an introduction and Mr Schuyler's preliminary report. - London: Bradbury, Agnew, 1876.

94 p.


Pairman, Robert.

The great sulphur cure brought to the test; or, Sulphurous acid in the treatment of disease. 15 ed. rev. and enl. - Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1870.

54, vii p.


Industrial and Technological Museum, Melbourne.

Lectures delivered by Frederick M'Coy, W.C. Kernot, William Johnson, Denis O'Donovan, T.T. A'Beckett, M.H. Irving, Ferdinand von Mueller, Sidney Gibbons ... during the second session of 1871. - Melbourne: Mullen, 1872.

202 p.


Bright, John, 1811-1889.

Speech on the eastern question, delivered in the Town Hall, Birmingham, December 4th, 1876. - London: Hodder and Stoughton, [1876]

31 p.


James, Edwin John, 1812-1882.

The political institutions of America and England. - London: Bentley, 1872.

42 p.


Lees, Frederic Richard, 1815-1897.

Which is the best Friendly Society? A lecture on ancient and modern Rechabitism. Manchester: Guardian Letterpress and Lithographic Works, 1875.

16 p.


George, Shayle.

Education of girls: read before the Auckland Teachers' Association, June 20th, 1874, by Mrs Shayle George. - Auckland: Upton, 1874.

12 p.


Robertson, F.W.

The religious non-observance of the Sabbath; a sermon by the Rev. F.W. Robertson ... Princes Street, Dunedin, 14th March, 1874. - Dunedin: Coulls and Culling, [1874]

8 p.

Caption title

page 28

Tyndall, John, 1820-1893.

Inaugural address delivered at the fourth annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Melbourne: George Robertson, 1874.

48 p.

Also in vol. 6


Carr, Frank, 1834-1894.

Archimago (Auckland, New Zealand, 1964) - London: Ward & Lock, [1864]

119 p.