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Headquarters: a brief outline of the activities of headquarters of the third division and the 8th and 14th Brigades during their service in the Pacific

Private C. J. Penny attending to his 'aldershot' oven, which served the officers-mess. The background is a view of Blanche Harbour. Below: A view of 8th Brigade Headquarters showing, right, the Quonset hut occupied by Brigadier Goss — Wading ashore on Stirling Island soon after dawn on the morning of the landing

Private C. J. Penny attending to his 'aldershot' oven, which served the officers-mess. The background is a view of Blanche Harbour. Below: A view of 8th Brigade Headquarters showing, right, the Quonset hut occupied by Brigadier Goss Wading ashore on Stirling Island soon after dawn on the morning of the landing

Private C. J. Penny attending to his 'aldershot' oven, which served the officers-mess. The background is a view of Blanche Harbour. Below: A view of 8th Brigade Headquarters showing, right, the Quonset hut occupied by Brigadier Goss
Wading ashore on Stirling Island soon after dawn on the morning of the landing