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The Spike or Victoria University College Review September 1924

"Petone" L. G. Connor, Ph. D., in the "Bulletin" of the National Association of Wool Manufacturers. Boston, on "Wool Types" wrote :— "New Zealand merinos now constitute only about 2% of the Dominion clip. They are practically always of good combing length, sound, sound very soft with excellent colour. They are chiefly of 64-70s quality, and possess excellent spinning and finishing properties. Being seldom tender they are adapted mainly to the production of fine worsteds. Some users claim that f…

"Petone" L. G. Connor, Ph. D., in the "Bulletin" of the National Association of Wool Manufacturers. Boston, on "Wool Types" wrote :— "New Zealand merinos now constitute only about 2% of the Dominion clip. They are practically always of good combing length, sound, sound very soft with excellent colour. They are chiefly of 64-70s quality, and possess excellent spinning and finishing properties. Being seldom tender they are adapted mainly to the production of fine worsteds. Some users claim that from N.Z. merinos are produced softer handling fabrics than any fine wool grown." It is from New Zealand woof possessing super-softness, that are made the beautiful "Petone" Travelling Rugs (so justly famous for Quality, Design, and Charm) also the wonderful worsted suitings (put into "Petone" clothing), Bathing Costumes, Underwear, etc The "Petone, 'Prince'" Rug, designed specially for H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, is New Zealana's Best Rug. Retailed at leading stores. Look for Label— "Petone"