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The Spike: or, Victoria College Review, Annual Extravaganva July 1923

The CHENEY GRAMOPHONE The Master Instrument At the new low prices, the CHENEY offers unprecedented value, for the CHENEY as a quality. Instrument stands alone—fundamentally and basically different from all other Gramo-phones. Through the entirely new use of Acoustic principles it restores those overtones which are so often lost and which give all Music its individuality and colour. We invite you to call and hear this Master Instrument. Prices: From £44. Easy Terms arranged. SOLE AGENTS— CHAS. B…

The CHENEY GRAMOPHONE The Master Instrument At the new low prices, the CHENEY offers unprecedented value, for the CHENEY as a quality. Instrument stands alone—fundamentally and basically different from all other Gramo-phones. Through the entirely new use of Acoustic principles it restores those overtones which are so often lost and which give all Music its individuality and colour. We invite you to call and hear this Master Instrument. Prices: From £44. Easy Terms arranged. SOLE AGENTS— CHAS. BEGG & CO., LTD., 19-21 MANNERS STREET, WELLINGTON. Have you seen it? The"BIRMAL" all-metal Tennis Racquet The "Birmal" is an Aluminium-alloy Frame, steel strung Tennis Racquet. It is able to satisfy the most critical on all those points which make for good and accurate play. The strings are of the highest tensile strength, will not rust, will last and wear considerably longer than the best gut. It is not affected by climatic conditions, and can be used all the year round. Visit our Sports Dept. and see for yourself; it's a beauty. Agents for New Zealand— E. W. Mills & Co. Jervois Quay, Wellington,