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The Spike: or, Victoria College Review, September 1923

An Invitation to Members of the Victoria University College MESSRS.WHITCOMBE & TOMBS,LTD. Invite you to inspect their large and varied stocks of books in all classes of literature. Whatever be your particular interest you will find books to help you. Our stock of books is comprehensive and up-to-date; you can spend spend a profitable hour of leisure browsing among them. WHITECOMBE'S is the Booklover's Paradise in New Zealand. Become a Frequent Visitor You will be entertained with the best in ol…

An Invitation to Members of the Victoria University College MESSRS.WHITCOMBE & TOMBS,LTD. Invite you to inspect their large and varied stocks of books in all classes of literature. Whatever be your particular interest you will find books to help you. Our stock of books is comprehensive and up-to-date; you can spend spend a profitable hour of leisure browsing among them. WHITECOMBE'S is the Booklover's Paradise in New Zealand. Become a Frequent Visitor You will be entertained with the best in old and new literature————— Whitcombe & Tombs, Ltd. 316 LAMBTON QUAY WELLINGTON Students are requested to mention "The Spike" when patronizing advertisers.