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The Spike: or, Victoria College Review, September 1923

"THE KASH" A PLACE OF INTEREST TO ALL STUDENTS. THE STOKE WHERE THE BEST VALUE IS OBTAINABLE SPORTS CLOTHING A SPECIALTY BLAZERS.—For men and Women. FLANNKL TROUSERS.—Cream or Grey. GOLF KNICKERS—Modified St. Andrews. GOLF HOSE.—A Splendid Selection. SPOKTS JACKETS.—Homespuns and Donegals. SPORTS SUTTS.—Tailor cut. Rowing Knickers. Boxing Knickers. Sweaters, Towels, Bags, Hats, and Caps. Wallace & Gibson Next Evening Post, - Willis Street, Wellington Students are requested to mention "The spike…

"THE KASH" A PLACE OF INTEREST TO ALL STUDENTS. THE STOKE WHERE THE BEST VALUE IS OBTAINABLE SPORTS CLOTHING A SPECIALTY BLAZERS.—For men and Women. FLANNKL TROUSERS.—Cream or Grey. GOLF KNICKERS—Modified St. Andrews. GOLF HOSE.—A Splendid Selection. SPOKTS JACKETS.—Homespuns and Donegals. SPORTS SUTTS.—Tailor cut. Rowing Knickers. Boxing Knickers. Sweaters, Towels, Bags, Hats, and Caps. Wallace & Gibson Next Evening Post, - Willis Street, Wellington Students are requested to mention "The spike" when patronising advertiser