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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 87

Lively. John Gram - lie swore by the licht o' the moon, An' the green leaves on the tree, That he could do mair work in a day Than his wife could do in three. His wife rose up in the morn - in' Wi' cares and trou-bles e - now; John Grum - lie, bide1 at hame, John, An' 1 Stay

Lively. John Gram - lie swore by the licht o' the moon, An' the green leaves on the tree, That he could do mair work in a day Than his wife could do in three. His wife rose up in the morn - in' Wi' cares and trou-bles e - now; John Grum - lie, bide1 at hame, John, An' 1 Stay.