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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 87

In moderate time. Words by Burns. Of a' the airts the win' can blaw, I dear - ly lo'e the west; For there the bon - nie las - sie lives, The las - sie I lo e best; Let wild woods grow and riv - ers row, Wi' mo - ny a hill be - tween, Baith day and night my fan - cy's flight ls e - Ver wi' my Jean. see her in ilk dew - y flow r, Sae love - ly, sweet and fair: hear her voice in il - ka bird Wi' mu - sic charm the air; There's no a bon-nie flow' r that springs By foun - tain, shaw,3 or green, Nor …

In moderate time. Words by Burns. Of a' the airts the win' can blaw, I dear - ly lo'e the west; For there the bon - nie las - sie lives, The las - sie I lo e best; Let wild woods grow and riv - ers row, Wi' mo - ny a hill be - tween, Baith day and night my fan - cy's flight ls e - Ver wi' my Jean. see her in ilk dew - y flow r, Sae love - ly, sweet and fair: hear her voice in il - ka bird Wi' mu - sic charm the air; There's no a bon-nie flow' r that springs By foun - tain, shaw,3 or green, Nor a bon - nie bird that sings, But minds me o' my Jean. Directions or points of the compass. Each. A small wood in & hollow place.