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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 87

Medrow Words Hanctor Whar ha'e ye been a' day, My boy Tam - my Whar ha'e ye been a' day, My boy Tam - my? I've been by burn and flow - 'ry brae, Mea-dow green and moun - tain grey, Court-ing o' this young thing, Just come frae her mam - my

Medrow Words Hanctor Whar ha'e ye been a' day, My boy Tam - my Whar ha'e ye been a' day, My boy Tam - my? I've been by burn and flow - 'ry brae, Mea-dow green and moun - tain grey, Court-ing o' this young thing, Just come frae her mam - my.