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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 87

Union Steam Shin Company of New Zealand, Limited Capital 500,000. Head Office: DUNEDIN, NEW ZEALAND London Branc: 18, WALBROOK, E.C. Branches and Agencies at Melbourne, Hobart Town, Sydney Newcastle, and at all the New Zealand Ports. The Company's Fleet consists of:— Gross Reg. L.H.P. ROTOMAHANA 1727 2000 WAKATIPU 1796 1250 TE ANAU 1652 1500 ARAWATA 1098 1250 RINGAROOMA 1096 1250 ROTORUA 926 900 ALBION 806 800 TARARUA 828 750 PENGUIN 749 900 HAWEA 720 850 WANAKA 493 600 TAIAROA 469 500 LADY BIR…

Union Steam Shin Company of New Zealand, Limited Capital 500,000. Head Office: DUNEDIN, NEW ZEALAND London Branc: 18, WALBROOK, E.C. Branches and Agencies at Melbourne, Hobart Town, Sydney Newcastle, and at all the New Zealand Ports. The Company's Fleet consists of:— Gross Reg. L.H.P. ROTOMAHANA 1727 2000 WAKATIPU 1796 1250 TE ANAU 1652 1500 ARAWATA 1098 1250 RINGAROOMA 1096 1250 ROTORUA 926 900 ALBION 806 800 TARARUA 828 750 PENGUIN 749 900 HAWEA 720 850 WANAKA 493 600 TAIAROA 469 500 LADY BIRD 421 450 WAITAKI 412 450 WELLINGTON 383 400 MAORI 174 300 BEAUTIFUL STAR 176 150 And are employed in the Inter-Colonial and Coasting Trade of the Colony. MELBOURNE EXHIBITION, 1880. From 20th September till 30th November, 1880, SPECIAL EXCURSION TICKETS to MELBOURNE will be issued at the following reduced fares:— To Melbourne via Bluff (returning same route.) From BLUFF Saloon. Steerage. "PORT CHALMERS 13 0 7 0 "LYTTELTON 13 10 7 10 "WELLINGTON 14 10 8 10 "PICTON 15 0 9 0 "NELSON 16 0 9 10 "TARANAKI 16 0 9 10 "NAPIER 18 0 11 0 "GISBORNE 17 0 10 0 "AUCKLAND 18 0 11 0 "RUSSELL1 9 0 12 0 20 0 13 0 Above Tickets are available for return from Sydney, via Cook Strait, with the exception of Lyttelton, Port Chalmers and Bluff; for which ports the return by this route will be Round Tickets from any ports to Melbourne, via Bluff, returning from Sydney, via Auckland, or vice versa (passengers finding their own way between Melbourne and Sydney) From Hokitika or Greymouth by direct steamer, returning same route Do. do. do. do. do. returning by any other route as far as Nelson only* * In this case passengers must re-book by local boat from Nelson. Families (bona fide) of three adults and over will be allowed a concession of £1 each off the saloon fare. These Tickets do not permit a break in the journey at any port en route, and arc only available for two months from date of issue. Holders must embark for return voyage within that period. Extension of time or stoppage en route can only be granted on payment of the difference between excursion and ordinary fare. Passengers wishing to return by another route than that originally booked for, can do so on presenting ticket at Company's Office in Melbourne or Sydney and paying difference of fare, if any. The Company's Agents will also issue tickets available over either the A.S.N. Company's or Messrs. Howard, Smith, and Son's Line, between Melbourne and Sydney. Fares Saloon, 2; Steerage, 15s.