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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 40

Total estimated population (exclusive of Maoris), 31st December, 1879 463,729 Population as per census 3rd March, 1878 414,412 Composed of the following nationalities :— English and Welsh 108,195 Scotch 47,949 Irish 43,758 Australian 16,091 New Zealand born (white) 174,126 Other British possessions 4,840 Foreign 18,505 Uncertain 9,401 Chinese 4,442 Maori population 42,819 Marriage rate 7.65 to 1000 of population Birth rate 40.34 to 1000 of population Death rate 12.48 to 1000 of population

Total estimated population (exclusive of Maoris), 31st December, 1879 463,729 Population as per census 3rd March, 1878 414,412 Composed of the following nationalities :— English and Welsh 108,195 Scotch 47,949 Irish 43,758 Australian 16,091 New Zealand born (white) 174,126 Other British possessions 4,840 Foreign 18,505 Uncertain 9,401 Chinese 4,442 Maori population 42,819 Marriage rate 7.65 to 1000 of population Birth rate 40.34 to 1000 of population Death rate 12.48 to 1000 of population