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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 11. May 28 1979

DOWNSTAGE THEATRE Subject of scandal and concern' Two plays in weekly repertoire until June 23 Arthur Wing Pinero's * Noel Coward's THE SECOND MRS * DESIGN TANQUERAY * FOR LIVING Something new in presentation A FIRST - A MUST - AT DOWNSTAGE Dinner 6.30 pm Play 8.00 pm STUDENT BOOKING RATES AVAILABLE BOOK NOW 849 639 Also Student Stand-by at $2.00 when seats available at 7.50 pm

DOWNSTAGE THEATRE Subject of scandal and concern' Two plays in weekly repertoire until June 23 Arthur Wing Pinero's * Noel Coward's THE SECOND MRS * DESIGN TANQUERAY * FOR LIVING Something new in presentation A FIRST - A MUST - AT DOWNSTAGE Dinner 6.30 pm Play 8.00 pm STUDENT BOOKING RATES AVAILABLE BOOK NOW 849 639 Also Student Stand-by at $2.00 when seats available at 7.50 pm