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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 11. May 28 1979

CONTINUED FROM ISSUE 9 JOE SPUTNIK AND THE MYSTERY OF.... RAVIOLIS FATHER EPISODE HE'S DEAD! And look! The assassin is getting away! stop I say in the name of all fair play! PERHAPS WE'D BETTER LEND A HAND HO-HO! YIPE! come back come back! I'm sure this is highly illegal SHUT UP AND DRIVE! Whoops were on our own now!

CONTINUED FROM ISSUE 9 JOE SPUTNIK AND THE MYSTERY OF.... RAVIOLIS FATHER EPISODE HE'S DEAD! And look! The assassin is getting away! stop I say in the name of all fair play! PERHAPS WE'D BETTER LEND A HAND HO-HO! YIPE! come back come back! I'm sure this is highly illegal SHUT UP AND DRIVE! Whoops were on our own now!