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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 13. June 6 1978

ITILIANISTICA SCATENATA !!!!! IL DIPARTIMENTO DI ITALIANO SI FA VIVO TUESDAY, JUNE 6th — ITALIAN ENTERTAINMENTS DAY, wow 12.00 the posh bit: readings of Petrarch's poems and Renaissance imitations, in Italian, English and French. AND with visuals, and live performance of settings of the poems by Palestrina and Monteverdi. NON SOLO, MA ANCHE: 8.00 AN EVENING OF FUTURIST THEATRE Total entertainment in extremely bad taste subtitled "Did anyone ever ask Beatrice?" Original futurist scripts performe…

ITILIANISTICA SCATENATA !!!!! IL DIPARTIMENTO DI ITALIANO SI FA VIVO TUESDAY, JUNE 6th — ITALIAN ENTERTAINMENTS DAY, wow 12.00 the posh bit: readings of Petrarch's poems and Renaissance imitations, in Italian, English and French. AND with visuals, and live performance of settings of the poems by Palestrina and Monteverdi. NON SOLO, MA ANCHE: 8.00 AN EVENING OF FUTURIST THEATRE Total entertainment in extremely bad taste subtitled "Did anyone ever ask Beatrice?" Original futurist scripts performed in English, Italian, Nonsense and Noise. BRING A FRIEND AND A MORO BAR Both performances at Drama House.