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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 8. April 18 1977

You cant buy these specialist National Semiconductor Calculators in a shop $49.50 (Special Offer (We Cut out the Retailer!) General $66.50 Limited Period Only.) instead of the $114.95 you would pay in a shop. Statistics $48.33 instead of the $59.95 you would pay in a shop. Commerce $48.33 instead of the $59.95 you would pay in a shop Physics/Engineering $99.64 instead of the $153.60 you would pay in a shop And there's More (and programmable versions too) That's the reason you Can Afford them! S…

You cant buy these specialist National Semiconductor Calculators in a shop $49.50 (Special Offer (We Cut out the Retailer!) General $66.50 Limited Period Only.) instead of the $114.95 you would pay in a shop. Statistics $48.33 instead of the $59.95 you would pay in a shop. Commerce $48.33 instead of the $59.95 you would pay in a shop Physics/Engineering $99.64 instead of the $153.60 you would pay in a shop And there's More (and programmable versions too) That's the reason you Can Afford them! Send this coupon for full information on the National Semiconductor range to: NOVUS National Semiconductor Calculators Ltd 65.67 Birkenhead Ave Birkenhead Auckland 10 P O Box 72-053 Northcote Point Auckland 10 Telephone 489-175 Name.......................................... Address............................................... 1 YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL CALCULATORS