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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 8. April 18 1977

The Carlton Hotel The friendly Pub in Willis Street We can offer you... * A Sportsman's Bar and Bistro downstairs. * Colour T.V. in the Sportsman's Bar. * Relax in our second floor Restaurant a pint of 'Super' and a meal (Lunch Toasted Sandwich with Coleslaw and Chips, $1.12, also Omlets $2.10, Bacon and Eggs $2.10, Fish and Chips $2.50 ). * Our popular Trendy Bar upstairs. * Late licence Bar and Bottlestore service until 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday nights

The Carlton Hotel The friendly Pub in Willis Street We can offer you... * A Sportsman's Bar and Bistro downstairs. * Colour T.V. in the Sportsman's Bar. * Relax in our second floor Restaurant a pint of 'Super' and a meal (Lunch Toasted Sandwich with Coleslaw and Chips, $1.12, also Omlets $2.10, Bacon and Eggs $2.10, Fish and Chips $2.50 ). * Our popular Trendy Bar upstairs. * Late licence Bar and Bottlestore service until 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday nights.