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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. [Volume 39, Issue 8. April 1976]

marks the 21st anniversary Rock and Roll LEMON AND PAEROA End of Term Rock n Roll Reunion Concert UNION HALL - 8pm Starring Larry Morris, Tommy Adderley, Jimmy and the Jets, Tamberlaine and Ticket. Tickets $2.00 from Studass office. An Arts Council presentation. LEMON AND PAEROA for our way of life

marks the 21st anniversary Rock and Roll LEMON AND PAEROA End of Term Rock n Roll Reunion Concert UNION HALL - 8pm Starring Larry Morris, Tommy Adderley, Jimmy and the Jets, Tamberlaine and Ticket. Tickets $2.00 from Studass office. An Arts Council presentation. LEMON AND PAEROA for our way of life