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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 34 no. 17. September 22 1971

NEW ZEALAND UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION EDUCATION RESEARCH OFFICER Applications are invited for thy position of Education Research Officer with the above Association. The appointee will be responsible to the Executive for preparing reports on educational matters and for undertaking on his own initiative, some research into an area of university education. The position calls for a person with academic qualifications, some qualities of leadership and the ability to co-operate with students, …

NEW ZEALAND UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION EDUCATION RESEARCH OFFICER Applications are invited for thy position of Education Research Officer with the above Association. The appointee will be responsible to the Executive for preparing reports on educational matters and for undertaking on his own initiative, some research into an area of university education. The position calls for a person with academic qualifications, some qualities of leadership and the ability to co-operate with students, academics and university administrators. Salary is $3,200 plus expenses, with annual increments of $200, to a maximum of $4,000. Applications will close on October 8th 1971 and the successful applicant will be expected to commence work in Wellington, on or about November 8th 1971. Conditions of Appointment and other details are available from - The President, New Zelaand University Students' Association, P.O. Box 6368, Te Aro, Wellington, Phone 555-630.