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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 34 no. 17. September 22 1971

John Reid's Squash Centre HOURS: 9-12 and 2-5 weekdays STUDENTS CONCESSIONS SQUASH: Students 30c per half hour (normally 55c). Racquets half normal hire. GOLF: Students 25c and 35c per bucket of bells (normally 30c and 50c). Plus free clubs (normal hire 10c)

John Reid's Squash Centre HOURS: 9-12 and 2-5 weekdays STUDENTS CONCESSIONS SQUASH: Students 30c per half hour (normally 55c). Racquets half normal hire. GOLF: Students 25c and 35c per bucket of bells (normally 30c and 50c). Plus free clubs (normal hire 10c).