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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 6, Issue 8 (April 1, 1932.)

“There is nothing like fun, is there?”—Haliburton. — (Rly. Publicity photos.) — Railway Picnic snaps.—(1) Picnic train at Maidstone Park; (2) final of 100 yards R.O.I, championship (won by Mr. M.G. Valk); (3) 75 yards ladies' race (won by Miss E. Upchurch, Miss Macklin second); the Locomotive team (winners of tug-of-war); (5) competitors in the three-legged race; (6) thrills and soills in the wheelbarrow race; (7) children's race; (8) the presentation of prizes

“There is nothing like fun, is there?”—Haliburton. (Rly. Publicity photos.) Railway Picnic snaps.—(1) Picnic train at Maidstone Park; (2) final of 100 yards R.O.I, championship (won by Mr. M.G. Valk); (3) 75 yards ladies' race (won by Miss E. Upchurch, Miss Macklin second); the Locomotive team (winners of tug-of-war); (5) competitors in the three-legged race; (6) thrills and soills in the wheelbarrow race; (7) children's race; (8) the presentation of prizes.

There is nothing like fun, is there?”—Haliburton.
(Rly. Publicity photos.)
Railway Picnic snaps.—(1) Picnic train at Maidstone Park; (2) final of 100 yards R.O.I, championship (won by Mr. M.G. Valk); (3) 75 yards ladies' race (won by Miss E. Upchurch, Miss Macklin second); the Locomotive team (winners of tug-of-war); (5) competitors in the three-legged race; (6) thrills and soills in the wheelbarrow race; (7) children's race; (8) the presentation of prizes.