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Tuatara: Volume 23, Issue 3, May 1979

Fig. 2: The Campbell Island party and ‘Hinemoa’ officers. Back row (I. to r.): H. B. Kirk, C. Chilton, Capt J. Bollons, C. Eyre, second mate of ‘Hinemoa’, R. M. Laing, H. F. Skey. Seated (l. to r.): R. Browne, J. B. Mayne, P. Marshall, J. Crosby Smith, E. Kidson, —, —. Reclining in front: G. R. Marriner. Photo: C. A'C. Opie

Fig. 2: The Campbell Island party and ‘Hinemoa’ officers. Back row (I. to r.): H. B. Kirk, C. Chilton, Capt J. Bollons, C. Eyre, second mate of ‘Hinemoa’, R. M. Laing, H. F. Skey. Seated (l. to r.): R. Browne, J. B. Mayne, P. Marshall, J. Crosby Smith, E. Kidson, —, —. Reclining in front: G. R. Marriner. Photo: C. A'C. Opie

Fig. 2: The Campbell Island party and ‘Hinemoa’ officers. Back row (I. to r.): H. B. Kirk, C. Chilton, Capt J. Bollons, C. Eyre, second mate of ‘Hinemoa’, R. M. Laing, H. F. Skey. Seated (l. to r.): R. Browne, J. B. Mayne, P. Marshall, J. Crosby Smith, E. Kidson, —, —. Reclining in front: G. R. Marriner. Photo: C. A'C. Opie