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Selected Images from the Collections of the Alexander Turnbull Library

Shows broad river plain area with the faint hills of Wellington in the distance, looking from a low scrub-covered rise. Similar inscription in faint pencil on recto, but reading "Ruamakanga" and "divide Wairarapa Pakatitaki & Hutt". Drawings & Prints Collection, Reference No. C-011-010 Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand

Watercolour on paper ; 194 x 512 mm

Shows broad river plain area with the faint hills of Wellington in the distance, looking from a low scrub-covered rise. Similar inscription in faint pencil on recto, but reading "Ruamakanga" and "divide Wairarapa Pakatitaki & Hutt". Drawings & Prints Collection, Reference No. C-011-010 Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand