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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 3.

Harbour Race

Harbour Race.

Friday, 5th March, was the day set down for the Club's annual half mile harbour race from Star Boating Sheds to Queen's Wharf and back. The weather was cold and blustery, but a field of eight nevertheless faced the starter. The sea was worse than choppy, it was definitely rough, so much so that hardy rowers would not venture out even in "tubs." Our intrepid swimmers, however, undaunted by the elements, shiveringly took the water, and all valiantly completed the course. The race was won by Ryan (15 secs.), with Mason (scr.) second, and Rawson, Ennis and O'Flynn third equal. Fastest time was secured by Mason with 14 min. 49 secs., which is quite good considering the roughness of the seas.