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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 3.

Annual Carnival

Annual Carnival.

This function, too, was marred by unsuitable conditions, a very cold night causing a drop in the numbers of spectators and competitors. The programme was well run off, however, some very promising new swimmers of both sexes being noted. In particular, Ongley. Shannon, and Hooper impressed in the men's sprints, while Misses S. Hefford and .J. Cummins both appear good prospects. "Smad" assures these new members that if they train conscientiously next season they should be well up amongst Wellington's best .and are certain bets for next Tournament. Older members of the club are gradually marrying off, and it is largely on these newcomers that the Club must rely for a continuation of its past fruitful existence.

The Club championships were won by Miss Morton and Mason, the latter's easy 50 yards in 27 3-5 secs being a particularly good effort, though we feel this oldtimer is capable of better figures than he is now registering.

Detailed results are as follows:—33 1-3 yds. Men's Handicap—Shannon, 1; Russell, 2; Ongley. 3. 33 1-3 yds. Ladies' Handicap—Misses Cummins, 1; Morton, 2; S. Hefford, 3. Men's Freshers' Championship (50 yards)—Hooper and Ongley (dead heat), T Potts, 3. 50 yds. Club Championship—Mason, 1; O'Flynn, 2. 50 yds. Ladies' Club Championship, Misses Morton, 1; S. Hefford, 2; Cummins, 3. 66 2-3 yds. Ladies' Breaststroke Handicap—Misses S. Hefford, 1; Maysmor, 2; C. Hefford, 3. 100 yds. Club Championship, Mason, 1; O'Flynn, 2. Inter-Faculty Relay, Law and Commerce, and Arts and Science,

1 equal (two teams only).

"Smad" understands Massey's swimmers are by no means up to V.U.C. standard, so that the tournament team will probably comprise the men, M. J. Mason, R. Webb. R. L Meek, and F. D. O'Flynn; and the ladies may be picked from Misses M. Morton, .S. Sanders, S. and C. Hefford.