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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 3.

Inter-Faculty Sports. — Result

Inter-Faculty Sports.


100 yards Freshers—Gorringe (L), 1; Adams (L), 2; Taylor (L), 3. Time 10 4-5 secs.

100 yards Championship— Bowyer (A) 1; Oram (A), 2; McEwan (L). 3. Time 10 3-5 secs.

Shot Put—Bowling (L) 33 ft. 5 in., 1; Burke (A), 2; Thurston (M) 3.

Long Jump—McIntosh (L), 20 ft. 5 in., 1; Arnold (A), 2; O'Regan (L), 3,

880 yards Championship—Congalton (A), 1; Birks (L), 2; Black (L), 3. Time 2 min. 10 secs.

120 yards Hurdles—Abraham (A), 1. Time Hi 4-5 secs.

High Jump—McIntosh (L) and Adams (L), 5 ft. 4½ in., 1 equal; Robinson (M), 3.

100 yards Open Handicap—McEwan (1 yd.), 1; Miller (scr.), 2; Taylor (2 yds.), 3. Time 10 3-5 secs.

Javelin—Burke (A), 124 ft. 1½ in., 1; McIntosh (L), 2; Irving (A), 3.

220 yards Championship—Gorrings (L) 1; Bowyer (A), 2; Miller (A), 3. Time 24 secs.

Mile Walk—Birks (L), 1; Hart (M), 2; Sutherland (M) 3.

Hop, Step and Jump—Adams (L) 40 ft. 6 in., 1; Irving (A), 2; McIntosh (L) and A. Ross (A), 3 equal.

Mile—Scrimgeour (L), 1; Barrer (M), 2; Horsley (L), 3. Time 4 min. 47 secs.

Freshers' Mile—Henderson (A), 1.

880 yards Open—Congalton (L), 1; Birks (L). 2; Black (L), 3. Time 2 min. 10 secs.

Discus—Abraham (A) 78 ft. 8½ in., 1; Eade (L), 2; Thurston (M), 3.

220 yards Hurdles—Abraham (A), 1.

440 yards Championship—Bowyer (A), 1; Robinson (M),2; Abraham (A), 3. Time 53 secs.

Relay—Law and Commerce, 1; Arts and Science, 2.

In these results (L denotes Law and Commerce Faculties; (A) represents Arts and Science; and (M) is for Massey College. At the conclusion of the day, the points stood as follows:—Arts and Science, 51½; Law and Commerce, 50½; Massey, 11.

This is not the final result, however, as three more events are to be decided on Monday night, after "Smad" has gone to press.

After Saturday's events, "Smad" approached the twin deities of the club, Thos. and Stan, with regard to the Tournament team. From their former jocular attitude, they became at once serious and aloof, but at length promised to let "Smad" have the team on Sunday. It would appear that this is a great favour as they are strict observers of the Sabbath.

Possibly the ugly whispers concerning a wooden spoon and Mr. "Dorrie" Leslie's remarks thereon had upset them, for they would not say anything as to prospects, and upon being asked they looked solemn, and gathering up their weights and measures, they wandered away from the arena.