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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 3.

Annual Boxing Tournament

Annual Boxing Tournament

"Smad" was well repaid for a comfortless wait in the Winter Show Building last Wednesday night when a large entry of mitt merchants showed that all sections of the Varsity haven't that wooden spoon complex. A formidable Training College contingent did their part nobly, and aided materially in providing an excellent programme.

Club Captain Edgley and Secretary Edwards dashed round busily during the evening and kept the bouts up to schedule. Referee Earl Stewart did an efficient job in the ring and occasionally Ted Blacker's husky baritone reached the "bleachers," as he muttered about weights.

The winners on Wednesday night were:— Bantam, K. Hamilton; Feather. Sefton Walsh; Light, Kent; Welter, Ryan; Middle, E. Miller; Light Heavy. G. A. Dandy; eHavy, K. Bowling.

Bantamweight Campbell lost his title to a fresher and will be with the Tourney team, and G. A. Dandy deposed last year's light heavy champ, Barnes.

Highlights of the evening were whirlwind displays by K. Hamilton, good solid work by Kent, and a finished display by the scientific Cup winner, Sefton Walsh, well known in open competition a few years back.

The final of the bantamweight was a hectic affair. Toe to toe slugging with Hamilton landing more frequently to get the ref's nod.

Featherweight thrills yare provided by Meek's k.o. of Fitzpatrick in the opening stanza, but the former met tougher game in Walsh, and lost by a wide margin after a good showing.

Kent was in good fettle for his final with K. Horsley, which he won comfortably after three torrid rounds of solid punching. "Smad" felt delightfully comfortable watching them!!

Ryan took the welter title from Bourke after gaining a very doubtful victory over Kane in the preliminary. Kane's open right glove—which Earl Stewart cautioned twice—must have been the cause of the trouble for he had a comfortable points lead.

Miller and Craig were the only middleweights. After a fair exhibition the fight went to Miller; plenty of punch, but a dearth of speed.

The light-heavy final caused some controversy. A very even fight, packed with action, and both Dandy and Barnes giving and taking with a nice impartiality. Dandy got the judge's nod. "Smad" thought he deserved it.

Bowling and Stewart mixed things up well in the heavy preliminary. Bowling was a trifle lucky to get the derision, for Stewart put up a fine showing, and a lack of aggressiveness over the early stages kept him from a good win. Barker, ex-N.Z. Blue looked disgusted when the judges asked for another round. A slight heaviness round Barker's middle seemed to be the deciding factor, and Bowling just got home.

Tournament prospect look bright—"Smad" says that every year, but thin year we mean it.