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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume. 34, Number 1. 1971

Beauty Tips:

Beauty Tips:

Bend over at the waist and breathe deeply for a minute or two to 'flush a bit of life and colour into pretty cheeks before the photographer snaps a colour shot. Good thought, for anybody's instant glow of health, in the moment just before the guests start to arrive perhaps.

For intrigue every man should have at least one flaw—like Nelson's one arm. Some flaws unfortunately have less charm that others.....

Pseudo-poetic form is used here to add culture to an appeal for cleanliness. Keeping the words simple so that comprehension will be at its maximum, Aunti Therese in collaboration with some obscure women's magazine present: "The Bath". Cleanliness being closely related to Godliness, and since men are closely related to gods, cleanliness is an integral part of a good man's page.

Take a Walk in the Rain... or take a shower

Everyone knows there is

nothing better for the skin

than the soft moisture

of a Scottish mist...

or a country walk when...

you come home drenched...

rainwater tones and smooths

the complexion and, when

you are dry and warm again,

See How you Glow

This is fine for the face

but why not take it a step further and feel

the exhilaration of

Shower Power All Over

a hot shower

to cleanse,

a warm shower to refresh,

or, a shudderingly cold shower

to invigorate—

No shower takes too much time;

there's no temptation

to linger,

no facilities for reading books

or eating oranges,

but a shower docs it's work

speedily and efficiently.

Drawing of a man wearing a loin cloth