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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1887, No. 2.

No. 444, Sess. II.—Petition of Te Teira Tiakitai and 7 Others

No. 444, Sess. II.—Petition of Te Teira Tiakitai and 7 Others.

Petitioners pray that the title to the Porangahau Block may be reinvestigated for the reasons set forth in their petition.

I am directed to report as follows: That, as there seems to be a wide difference between the original judgment of the Native Land Court in the Porangahau Block and its judgement in the rehearing thereof, and, after viewing the evidence which has been submitted, the Committee consider the application for a further rehearing a reasonable one, and should recommend that it should be granted; and the Committee further strongly recommend that rules should be laid down by the Native Land Court for the guidance of the Judges of that Court in respect to Native custom and usage.

15th December, 1887.